Saturday, April 11, 2020

Human Suffering Essays - Mental Processes, Emotions, Suffering

Human Suffering Human suffering happens every day, everywhere, in many types and ways all around us. We do not always see it, but that does not mean it does not exist. When we do see it exist we commonly ask ourselves, "Does human suffering have meaning?" I can answer this question easily. Yes, it does have meaning. I can answer this because of the four readings we read. However, as I examine this question deeper I see that the four readings have different ideas on "meaning" or the reason for suffering. Looking at the definition of the verb (to) suffer, "feel or undergo pain; sustain damage or loss," we see that suffering is something that can happen because of more than one action. Each of the readings explained a different way of suffering. In their basics, some described mental suffering and others described physical suffering. But, more deeply than that each reading contains a certain kind of suffering. The Epic of Gilgamesh describes that suffering is caused by death. The Book of Job describes how suffering is caused by sickness, loss of possessions, or loved ones. Buddhist explains suffering caused by our mental anguish. Night describes suffering caused by others. These readings give us meaning to suffering so that in the future we can avoid suffering, and if we can not avoid it we can at least explain it. The Epic of Gilgamesh tells us that suffering happens because of love. Gilgamesh suffered only because he loved Enkidu. After Enkidu was killed by the serpent Gilgamesh suffered tremendously. This was an example mental suffering. Gilgamesh did not bring on Enkidu's death. It was his desire for Enkidu to die. It just happened fighting the serpent. He deeply mourned his brother's death. This drove him to find that special root to make him immortal. Although this was just a story, in its day it was thought to be a book of teachings. Suffering was a direct result of death and love, but it was suffering that drove Gilgamesh on. It ended up making him stronger. Suffering is not a good thing, but you do get past it and you can learn from it. We see this in The Book of Job too. To Job, suffering happens as a result of God testing us. A Satan questioned the followings of God's people. This led to God testing his best subject, Job. God made Job suffer in the worst way any human being could. This would be physical suffering and mental suffering. When God took away Job's family and possessions, he suffered mentally. All of his possessions and loved ones were gone without a reason known to him. It was physical suffering when he was struck with sores about his body. This also gives reason to suffering that happens when you can't explain it. Even a person who thinks that they are perfect can suffer. You could be just like Job, almost a perfect worshiper. That would be even more the reason for you to be tested. The Book of Job is one of the teachings of the Bible, a spiritual and religious guide. A person reading this would believe that suffering is a test. It is a test of your faith, your faith in God. Therefore, if we were suffering, as long as we keep faith, the suffering will end. As long as we keep faith the suffering will stop, and better things will happen and develop. The Buddhists have other reasons for why we suffer mentally. They believe that the cause of suffering is desire and craving. Buddhists say, "Ignorance is manifested in greed that fills the human mind." Greed, being something that causes desire and craving, is a cause of human suffering. It is our want for something that we can not obtain that makes us suffer. When we were children we whined, threw fits, cried, got angry, and more just because we could not have something. Most of the time it was something that we did not need. In turn, we suffered. Even as we are older, although they may be a little more involved, such things still happen. These grown-up versions of the childish games are our desires and cravings. However, according to the Buddhists, we can overcome them. To overcome them we must follow the "Noble Eightfold Path." It consists of Right View, Right Thought, Right Speech, Right Behavior, Right Livelihood, Right Effort, Right Mindfulness, and Right Concentration. "The way of life which is free from all worldly passion and suffering can only be

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